A miraculous cure through Carlo Acutis. The heartbreaking testimony of a wife and mother who discovered that her husband was addicted to porn, and how he broke free from it. I am now thirty-eight years old… Two years ago, we went through a terrible ordeal as a couple. We were married in church fifteen years
What do you do if you discover that your child has already viewed pornographic images?
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- Written by The Editors
What do you do if you discover that your child has already viewed pornographic images? If you find out that your child has already seen pornographic images, you must have the courage to talk to them about it and tell them that porn has nothing to do with love and that it defiles them. Learn
Why do i keep falling, in spite of all the efforts I make?
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- Written by The Editors
Why do i keep falling, in spite of all the efforts I make to get ouf of porn ? Is this a question you’ve asked yourself before? You make all these efforts to stop using porn but it doesn’t work? It’s important to first identify why you’re relapsing and then you can be savvy