
Does masturbation make you deaf?

Does masturbation make you deaf? In previous generations, they tended to scaremonger rather than explain. A knock-on effect of this is, those who encourage masturbation today, try to guilt trip those who want to control their bodies, making it seem out-dated. The whole thing is a minefield. Every other day we come across articles aiming


Is counseling a must for the porn addict?

Is counseling a must for the porn addict? Question I found out my husband was addicted to porn 3 years into our marriage – 13 years ago. He went to counseling, we went to counseling, he went to SA, I went to Sanon – He acted out off and on and struggled on his own.


What does the Catholic Church say about pornography?

Article by Dr. Peter C. Kleponis*, first published with the title Pornography and the Catholic Church, on Theporneffect.com. The church has much to say about pornography. This is because porn injures the dignity of everyone involved – producers and consumers.  Sexuality is a wonderful gift from God! It is meant to be shared by a


What are the consequences of porn on your health ?

The consequences of porn on your health… both mental and physical We can’t lie to ourselves: the consequences of porn on our mental and physical health are both numerous and serious…   1. Loss of sexual performancee According to neurobiologist Jean-Didier Vincent, author of The Devil and the Flesh (1) consumption of pornographic pictures produces


Wich path of recovery from porn addiction?

Wich path of recovery from porn addiction? By Dr. Peter Kleponis, clinical psychotherapist*. You want to recover from a porn addiction? Let’s look at what does and doesn’t work: What Doesn’t Work Trying to overcome pornography use on your own Believing that praying more and being more religious will take it away Minimizing the problem,


Hom to stop masturbating? 8 ways to break out of it!

Stop masturbating? If you are already in the habit of it, you’re probably finding it pretty hard to stop: addiction can take hold very quickly! You may even think that you can’t live without it anymore, which is absolutely false. So, here are a few words of advice to help you break out*: Avoid over-dramatizing


Porn and masturbation, the same battle?

Porn and masturbation, are they the same battle? How can we wage this war? Here’s a little piece on the subject, submitted by Xavier.   Pornography and masturbation both function on the same principle as drugs. You’re obliged, little by little, to increase the strength of the doses in order to obtain the same effect


How does porn effect society ?

How does porn effect society ? In May 1989, the Pontifical Council for Social Communication (Vatican) had already issued warnings to the media concerning the effect of porn – dangers which are today much better recognised and understood. Taken from a document which aims to “illustrate the most serious effects pornography and violence have on


What does pornography do to women?

What does pornography do to women? * Since it trains men to think of women as objects to be used instead of persons to be loved, guys speak of them as objects and treat them as objects. One longtime producer in the porn industry admitted “My whole reason for being in this industry is to


What’s wrong with looking at pornography?

What’s wrong with looking at pornography? Question: “What’s wrong with looking at pornography? It’s not like you are getting a girl pregnant or spreading STDs”. Answer. “The problem with using porn is that it emasculates men, degrades women, destroys marriages, and offends the Lord”. You may be thinking: “That’s going a little overboard, don’t you