Ten pitfalls of porn
Ten pitfalls of porn: oups!
Did you know? Porn has at least ten traps extremely difficult to get out of… a good reason to watch out for them, to avoid falling in!
- Porn creates a “culture” of base sex and impulse. It’s a flourishing commerce, multiplying itself to infinity via today’s access to the internet (we’re talking about one third of all connections).
- Porn reduces sexuality to genitals and orgasm (close-ups, sound effects, etc.), to animalistic practices, obscenities, aggressions. It reduces people to their genitals and turns them into objects for consumption.
- Porn crushes the richness of sexuality and love. It destroys the intimacy of loving and joyful relationships. (And so differs entirely from eroticism).
- Porn poisons the spirit with fantasies which invade the imagination. Like a computer virus, it paralyses any reflex of self-consideration or self-control.
- Porn portrays the image of sexual parts (size XXL) and sexual performance, as the norm, or as an example to take, especially for young people who are at the important age of asking questions about their sexuality. Some become obsessed (+ consequences: acting on impulse, premature ejaculation, etc.); others go through revulsion or inhibition, performance anxiety. For children, porn is equivalent to mental rape, and can leave them traumatised.
- Porn imprisons you in an endless spiral of masturbation, degradation, psychological slavery, shame, guilt, isolation, often depression…
- Porn makes you “porn-dependent” or a “porn-addict”. It’s as tyrannical as alcohol or drugs (cocaine, heroin…). It finishes by RUINING the life, work, relationships, and the finances of its consumers.
- Porn ignites your primary impulses. Why are we surprised at the dramatic increase in STIs? It pushes people towards crimes of a sexual nature: rape, paedophilia, incest. (So many rapists recreate in reality what they’ve seen in the porn they’ve been watching.)
- Porn recreates the conditions of slavery, as much as for the consumers as for the “porn girls”.
- Porn is a trap!
So how can we make a stand against these pitfalls?
Outsmart them! Tear out the porn from your life. Delete images and internet links. Flee anything that leads you in that direction!
“If your right eye (pictures or films!) causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be thrown into hell”
– Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew, chapter 5, verse 29
Ask the only true liberator, Jesus, to get you out! There is a prayer for deliverance from porn addiction on this site, which you can ask for online through the chat’ (anonymous and free discussion) :
Source: freely adapted from the brochure for teenagers Succeeding in your love and sexual life (“Réussir ta vie sentimentale et sexuelle“), by Brother Jean-Benoît Casterman, Editions des Béatitudes.