Getting out of porn? Some quick tips! You want to get out of porn ? Here are some quick and practical tips to quit your addiction ! 1. Talking about it. (it’s at least a start) Talk about it with one of your relatives, your friends or anyone who’s kind with you, who will not judge you
What is porn?
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What is porn? Good question! “The people are more easily enslaved with pornography, than with watchtowers” – Alexandre Soljenitsyne The word pornography comes from the Greek words pornĂŞ: prostitute and graphein: describe. Up until a century ago, pornography was limited to describing sexual encounters with prostitutes. This has almost nothing in common with what we
Offering to listen is an act of love
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We are ready to listen to you! Listening to you and talking together? We, the volunteers, often get asked why we offer to speak directly with you. The answer is simple: every person is worthy of being listened to, understood, helped, encouraged. Perhaps you’re not sure if you’re loved. Maybe you even blame yourself; you
Joseph, ex-porn addict: “One day, I thought to myself: you’re not happy!”
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Ex-porn addict: how did he get out of it? During adolescence, Joseph fell into addictions little by little, video games, pornography… later, after failing an important exam, he cried out to God: “If you exist, show me you’re alive and that you’re at work!”. To get over failing his exam, he spent some time apart,