Getting out of porn? Some quick tips!
Getting out of porn? Some quick tips!
You want to get out of porn ? Here are some quick and practical tips to quit your addiction !
1. Talking about it. (it’s at least a start)
Talk about it with one of your relatives, your friends or anyone who’s kind with you, who will not judge you and will encourage you : because, alas, porn is truly an addiction which locks you up and makes you feel sad.Â
2. Getting some help (it’s essential)
It’s quite impossible to win this war by yourself : this is the reason why you need some help. You can find some specific help – as on this website- or a more regular one -with a priest’s help, for the spiritual aspects of this fight. You can too find help with a therapist, some of them know particularly well the subject, and will receive in consultations. Unfortunately, a lot of people face the same difficulties as you do. Don’t be afraid to knock at their door !Â
3. Confession use
This is for the spiritual side : if you’ve been baptized, leave your addiction into Jesus’ arms. Go and see the same priest for confession, each time you’re falling. It will be a good help ! Unlike family dishes, the more you go to confession, the less it wears out. And the more you receive God’s help to go through ! And if you’re not baptized, well, ask for baptism ! (Just come and talk with us on the Chat, you’ll see, being christian changes life!)
4. Ask for the sacrament of the sick.
And, why not ? After all, if you feel overwhelmed, unable to resist in front of this addiction ? Talk with your priest, knowing that you certainly could receive this sacrament discreetly. The gifts received to face your problem will be numerous.
5. Following a healing journey
Several of them exist and are very well made and are free. We strongly recommand the journey « Free to love »,that can be followed by e-mail (find out more)
6. Ask for a deliverance prayer
We offer one of them on this website ! Warning, this is not a magical formula, but it can help a lot, and, if God wants it, it can heal you too !
What about you ? Where are you now on that subject ? Come and talk with us on the « Live Chat » ! (Anonymous and free listening).Â