“Jesus delivered me from porn”
Delivered from porn !??
From a very young age I resorted to masturbation, my thoughts were orientated towards sex and it even stopped me from concentrating at school. It grew to take enormous proportions, the older I got. During adolescence, I read a book written by Billy Graham, addressing the problems encountered in youth, and it was in this book that I realised masturbation was a sin – in the sense it cuts us off from God’s love.
Only, it was impossible for me to stop doing it. Much later, it opened the door to pornography. When I was 20yrs old, I was working nights and I stumbled across a private French channel airing an X-rated movie. It was my downfall. Little by little, I began watching X-rated movies whilst masturbating…
- Read also : Masturbation, what’s the problem?
A catastrophe
The arrival of the internet was a catastrophe. I wanted to go further and further and it never fully satisfied me: I even suggested that my wife join a sex club, thanks be to God she refused. I was involved in my parish, in charge of leading praise. I consulted a specialist, I also took part in a television program but it didn’t change anything. I was experiencing a spiritual death and had no idea how to turn back from the dead end; this lasted 25 years.
“Jesus liberated me !”
During this time, I tried psychology and psychiatry, but to no avail (it doesn’t always work…). Whilst surfing the internet, I read a Christian article addressing pornography, and it orientated me towards the program “The road to purity”. I thought it was in English, but I found that it existed in French too. I started the program and from the very first day, I was filled with joy! Jesus had liberated me!
Today, I am free from any sexual slavery and any form of impurity. It’s a process and the freedom is established uniquely with the grace of God, in daily communion with him.
Without this we can do nothing, only Jesus took our sin to the Cross. All we have to do is trust him because he has the power to set us free, which the world doesn’t. I can finally say: the person the Son frees will truly be free. I thank Jesus, who delivered me. I thank my pastor who started this work with me. I thank my mentor and the whole team of ‘To free captives’ whom God put on my path!
So, what do you think about it? Do want to be delivered from porn? Come and talk to us via the live chat’! (Free and anonymous listening service)On the same topic:
- “I was a porn addict, prayer healed me!”
- “Christ delivered me from pornography“
- Marcelin: “It’s possible to stop using porn”
To go further about porn addiction: