Joseph, ex-porn addict: “One day, I thought to myself: you’re not happy!”
Ex-porn addict: how did he get out of it?
During adolescence, Joseph fell into addictions little by little, video games, pornography… later, after failing an important exam, he cried out to God: “If you exist, show me you’re alive and that you’re at work!”.
To get over failing his exam, he spent some time apart, by himself. And at that point I thought to myself:
“Joseph, there are some things which aren’t quite right in your life, you’re not happy, you’re as hard as stone, your heart is all dried up, you haven’t found a reason for living, the flavour of life”
And in that moment, I cried out from my heart and I said to God:
“If you exist, you have to show me your presence in my life, you have to intervein and show me you’re alive, that you’re at work in the world”.
From that moment on, I started getting closer to God. One day, I went into a church, I had the desire in me to go to confession, I went to confession with a priest… For my penitence, the priest invited me to kneel before Jesus in the host exposed on the altar, and ask him to tell me how much he loves me. This moment was a huge turning point for me, I knelt down in front of the altar and I said to Jesus:
“Here I am Lord, if you want to show me your love, I’m here, available for You.”
Right then, I felt all the intensity of God’s love and mercy in my heart, I broke down, I burst into tears and since that moment, my life has never been the same…
And you, what do you think? Do you want to be an ex-porn addict too, delivered by Jesus from this addiction? Do you too want to receive help from heaven to get rid of this addiction? We are here to pray with you and ask Carlo Acutis for his intercession:
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