What is porn?
What is porn? Good question!
“The people are more easily enslaved with pornography, than with watchtowers”
– Alexandre Soljenitsyne
The word pornography comes from the Greek words pornê: prostitute and graphein: describe. Up until a century ago, pornography was limited to describing sexual encounters with prostitutes.
This has almost nothing in common with what we can find on the internet today: paedophilia, scatophiliac, bestiality, sadomasochism, rape etc. We cannot yet measure the fallout of the X-rated world, and the consequences this new drug has on the brain. It concerns perverseness and machoism towards women.
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People imagine the life of “X-rated” stars to be the stuff of dreams, thinking they take pleasure in making hardcore films. This is entirely false, as Shelley Lubben, an american former actress testifies in her autobiography.
Besides, increasing numbers of health professionals are warning against the serious damage caused by porn in young people.
Lastly, from the point of view of society, it’s disastrous…
- Read also : How does porn effect society ?
All is not lost! We can be healed from porn; we can even find God!
And you, what do you think? What is porn? Come and talk to us through the live chat (anonymous and free discussion):
- Porn: What’s the problem?
- Ran Gavrieli: “Why I stopped watching porn”
- “Jesus delivered me from porn”